I could see Michael Brown Bear sitting outside a cave. Just as I walked up to Michael, Meek&Lowly flew down in front of him “Michael, I am glad you are still here. Would you catch some fish for us for tonight’s fellowship?”
“I sure will, and I will get Tom and Danny to help.”
“May I help, too?” I asked.
Michael stared at me, looking me over from the tip of my hair to where my shoes met the grass. I can fish! He must think us humans don’t fish. “You can try, though you don’t look like much of a fisherman to me.”
“Looks often deceive.” Meek&Lowly patted me on the back. “I will see all of you tonight.”
Michael ran ahead. “Let’s go, everyone.”
“Do you know how to fish, Observer?” Danny asked.
“I do, Danny. I’ve fished a few times.”
“Did you hear him, Michael?” Tom chuckled. “He’s fished ‘a few times.’”
The three of them laughed. “Observer, we have been fishing all our lives,” said Tom.
“Observer, get in the river with us,” Michael invited.
As I got in the river, I thought to myself, I sure don’t like the way they’re making me feel about my fishing experience. They are laughing at me! They’re making fun of me. It was so tempting to continue thinking those thoughts.
Will Observer forgive his friends?