Abundant Life †
Abundant life is found in Christ.
He is the way the Truth and the life.
I in Him and Him in me—
That is the way it was meant to be.
I have no life apart from Him,
But I must be dead to enter in.
Life is full, life is sweet
Sitting at my Masters feet.
Now He says, come up my child and sup with Me.
I have many tasty morsels prepared for thee.
At My table you’ll find a feast prepared for thee.
A table full of all the things you’ll need.
To live a life triumphant and an overcomer be—
Eat from My table the good things I prepared for thee.
You’ll find the abundant life that is waiting for you,
As you partake of My table, My life will manifest in you.
Poems of Life Book 2
by D.K. Segraves