I could see Meek&Lowly wasn’t in his nest. He must be in his private lookout. I think I’ll climb up River Mountain and take a peek at Eagles Ridge Lookout. Right after I get myself more to eat. Then I’ll slip up there.
I gathered some berries and nuts and sat down in the meadow near Lake Still & Restful. Some might call what I was going to do ‘spying.’ It does have a nice ring to it. That sounds more exciting than just observing.
When I heard Meek&Lowly’s voice again, I could barely hear him. I rose and pressed my ear against the wall. I can always duck down if they come out.
“We must prepare our group and the other regions in which I teach for war. We have been able to keep our adversaries away, but a change is coming. There’s one more evil than all the bad leaders around our regions. Elohim has warned me that he is coming.”
“Who is this one?” Morris asked
“He is called Dark Wolf, and he has comrades that are just as evil.”
I gasped. A wolf called Dark Wolf, more evil then Haughty, Raider, Spiteful or Sly? Oh my! I braced myself against the alcove wall, leaning my head into the entrance ready to pull back if the two birds were facing me. Their backs were to me. I wanted to hear every word Meek&Lowly said next.
Who is this one called Dark Wolf? What kind of weapons will the creatures use against him and his agents? Find out in Eagle’s Watch Beacon of Light Series Book 1.