Olivia L. Davis (commenting on Amazon.com about Eagle’s Watch)

A beautifully written story with a beautiful message

The story that lies between the covers of “Eagle’s Watch” is amazing. This is a piece of writing that can touch the heart of anyone from age 10 to 100. It clearly has a faith-based message that is beautiful and heartfelt. It would be a great way to educate people who have not heard the message without being overwhelming or intrusive. It would also be a great way to refresh people’s current understanding of the Creator and His love. The main character, Observer, was particularly relatable due to his imperfect childhood, insatiable curiosity, and eagerness to help others. The combination of the relatable characters and artistic liberties found within this book was perfect. For a fictional story I, personally, learned a great deal.

Eagle’s Watch did start off with a slightly overwhelming collection of brief introductions to characters, but as the story continued and each character developed, I grew to love each of them and was eager to find out where each character would go next. I particularly enjoyed the consistent naming-scheme for this story with places such as “Lake Still & Restful,” “Blind & Deceived,” and “Defiant Ridge”. The characters also had unique names such as “Meek&Lowly,” “Observer,” and “Spiteful Wolf”. It was a unique theme that helped to foreshadow and also easily identify major protagonists and antagonists. These unique names also allow for twists and surprises throughout the story.

There were a few places in which I felt like the side-commentary a reader is supposed to make inside his or her head was already spelt out on paper. I personally found this a tad distracting, but it fizzled out after the first chapter. I also wish there was a little more detail in regard to some of the adventures the main character, Observer, has. For example, his first visit to Blind & Deceived seemed like it should have been a long and dangerous journey, yet he had arrived after a very short time. It would have been nice to have some more of his senses described to help with imagery, for example, “Observer noted the musky scent of the water-logged bark wafting up through the wet moss that was clinging to the dingy trees on either side of him”.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this story and very much look forward to reading the sequel, Beacon of Light Book Two: Awakening.

Dawn Shultz

Eagle’s Watch

Enchanting and adventurous book. Creative writer makes the story come alive as you journey through the pages. You will learn love, grace, forgiveness and obedience. This book is full of Gods mercy and spirit.


This book is filled with adventure. The author uses characters to show and share the power of forgiveness, love and trusting in Elohim. Readers are sure to relate to the struggles and pain that are shared through the story and the healing that comes from forgiveness.

Shelly Dodd

Eagle’s Watch

Eagle’s Watch is a easy adventurous read, that takes you into another world. Teaching you good moral values along the way.